E-compendium on Dr.Babasaheb ambedkar Compiled and created by Dr.Anand Teltumbde for Private Circulation among the students and researchers of the Ambedkar-thought and the activists in the movements of the oppressed people all over the world. No reproduction in any kind is permitted for commercial purpose. However, the material can be freely used for the purpose of research, education, study circles and analyses with due acknowledgement.Â
- E-mail: tanandraj@gmail.com
Note: E-compendium on Dr.Babasaheb ambedkar is private property of well known Ambedkarist Dr.Anand Teltumbde. Jaibhim.com portal has official permission by Dr.Anand teltumbde to use sources of the E-compendium to educate people about life, thought, literature And Movement of Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar.